06 November, 2011

Congress afraid for their jobs?...They should be.

Came across this article in the NY Times the other day, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/us/politics/voter-rage-has-congress-worried-about-job-security-its-own.html?partner=rss&emc=rss. Naturally it was an online article as the only way I'm getting the NYT is a t a Starbucks & I'm not a big newspaper reader unless its the sports section (like most people sadly).

I write this as I am listening to a podcast of Real Time which aired on 10/21/11. In the panel discussion they talk about possible backlash against the Republicans for all their stonewalling against the President. I for one agree, but it shouldn't be against just the Republicans, there should be backlash against all of them. The Republicans for opposing the President (they hated Clinton back in the day make no mistake but man they REALLY hate Obama) & not even be willing to work with him to get the country back on track. Also the Democrats who sat around and watched or did very little. Democrats wrested control of the House & Senate in 2006 & did very little, at least I don't remember anything on the "liberal media" about them making radical change. When Obama became President, they all had a chance to do something or at least appear that they were going to do something but they decided to rest on their laurels and then proceeded to lose control in the 2010 elections. More power to the Republicans who saw an opportunity and seized it. The same thing happened when Clinton became President. The Democrats were in control & decided to savor their victory while doing nothing. This allowed the Republicans to take back a lot of what they lost during the 1994 elections. They got what they deserved.

I say vote them all out! This is the only way politicians get fired. If you or I did our jobs so incompetently (or not at all in some cases) we'd be out on our butts. Personally I feel we need politicians who want to get together and put the country back on the path. Granted that may be a bit naive on my part but it has happened in the past (Reagan worked with a Democrat controlled House & Senate, Republicans worked with Clinton, when they weren't trying to get him convicted) so it can be done.

Thanks for your time.

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