27 July, 2012

On this day in history...July 27th

On this day in 1940 saw the 1st appearance of one of the world's greatest thespians...Bugs Bunny. The episode that Bugs first appeared was titled "A Wild Hare." It was the first of many confrontations with Elmer Fudd, a terrible hunter who could never get the best of Bugs. In fact, you'd think Fudd would give up hunting rabbits after so many unsuccessfully embarrassing runs ins with Bugs but give the guy credit, he's persistent (of course the same could be said for Wile E. Coyote & The Road Runner but perhaps another time). "A Wild Hare" was the official first appearance but his prototype was used in 1938's "Porky's Hare Hunt."

Bugs was more or less modeled after Clark Cable's legendary scene from It Happened One Night. Bugs's iconic line, "what's up doc", was added by director Tex Avery. Avery stated it was a common phrase while growing up in Texas. When "A Wild Hare" first aired the audience loved it so much it became the classic phrase it is now. "A Wild Hare" was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons (also nominated was "Puss Gets the Boot," the 1st appearance of Tom & Jerry).

I've pretty much been fascinated by Bugs Bunny since I was a kid and I've followed all of his teachings (yes I'm a 42 year-old dude who not only still watches cartoons but quotes dialogue from them as well). Very rarely has anyone ever gotten the best of him, though he never could defeat the tortoise in a race, he lost in "Tortoise Beats Hare" and again in  "Tortoise Wins by a Hare". Over the years Bugs has served in the armed forces, been there for some of history's greatest moments, been all over the world, performed in an opera and even became a public enemy with a $1,000,000 bounty on his head

Tex Avery and Robert McKimson are credited with creating Bugs but others who were involved with his development include; Chuck Jones, Friz Feeling and Bob Clampett. Perhaps the most distinct person to be associated with Bugs was his voice, Mel Blanc. Blanc voiced Bugs and most other Merry Melodies characters for over 40 years. In fact Blanc was the voice for many iconic cartoon characters from Hanna-Barbera like Barney Rubble and Mr. Spacely from The Jetsons. Blanc even did voice work for MGM on Tom & Jerry. 

 Bugs Bunny is an American legend. He's kept Americans laughing through a worldwar and for over 70 years. There was also a time when Bugs wasn't so politically correct (this goes for a lot of cartoons and entertainment in general throughout the 40's and 50's). Unfortunately that was a product of the time. I mention it because I own several Volumes of Warner Bros. cartoons on DVD and they have Whoopi Goldberg make some comments towards that subject. Thanks to all those who brought him to life. What are some of your favorite Bugs Bunny episodes?

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