02 October, 2011

2012 GOP Platform

I've been loosely following the 2012 GOP Presidential candidates over the last few months and these people are quite a bunch. Here's what you've got (in no particular order):

  • Mitt Romney: Mitt is a Mormon, which alienates a lot of people. He served 1 term as Massachusetts Governor after a successful run as Chairman of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee (you know the one that was uncovered for bribing officials to grant SLC the 2002 Winter Olympics). Mitt's a super rich guy who's probably not in touch with the average working man (this has been the comedy gold for a lot of talking heads).
  • Newt Gingrich: Newt is a staunch conservative who preaches family values. Don't forget he was cheating on his cancer stricken wife while going after Clinton for getting a BJ. Newt was at the forefront of the "Contract with America" after Republicans won back majority on the House & Senate in 1994. I don't remember much about the "contract with Amercia" so my opinion is that it really wasn't all that significant. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_with_America. Suffice to say I glanced over it on Wikipedia & it didn't seem all that significant. 
  • Michele Bachmann: A Tea Party favorite who has periodic dialogues with the Lord Almighty (he often gives her advice). She's recently fallen from grace if you want to call it that & no longer seems to curry the favor of the Tea Party. After reading an article about her in Rolling Stone & hearing Bill Maher go off on her, it's almost inconceivable that a rational human being would vote for her. She's against things like farm subsidies but she's taken them in the past. I brought her up in a previous post. 
  • Rick Perry: Governor of Texas. Rick was in office when he urged Texans to pray for rain to end a drought (another candidate who converses with the Almighty). Rick went toe to toe with Romney in a debate awhile back & seemed to generate some steam. Then he kept talking & whatever steam he gathered soon dissipated. His record as governor appears spotty at best.
  • Herman Cain: To be honest all I knew about this guy until today was that he was the token non-white guy. This morning I watched an interview he gave on some Sunday morning talk show (I was under the influence of cold medication so that's my excuse). He seems to feel that African-Americans should be voting Republican (despite the fact that the GOP has done very little to meet or care about the needs of the Black community, as pointed out by the interviewer) and have been "brainwashed" by the Democratic Party. Herman's a business man who recently did real well in a some sort of straw poll or something so he thinks his chances are getting better.
  • Ron Paul: Ron ran as an Independent candidate in 2008 but has since gone over to the GOP. He's got a loyal (almost cult) following but he's got some opinions that the hard core conservatives don't agree with. Seems like a reasonable guy.
There are others of course but they all are running on one underlying theme...to expunge Barrack Obama from history. I saw clips of a debate & they all said the same thing, their 1st "acts" will be to undo anything Obama has done. That's it. Apparently once that's done everything will just get better. That's the best solution that these clowns can come up with. If I cared to do the research, I would better dollars to Little Debbie Snack Cakes that their "solutions" to America's problems are not that original and each candidate's "solutions" seem eerily similar to the others. I'm reminded of a World War I documentary about the Dardenelles Campaign. The British wanted a 2nd front to alleviate pressure on the Western Front. The original plan was all naval as few if any ground forces could be spared. The plan was simple, the Royal Navy was to sail up the Dardenelle Straits right to Constantinople. The Turks would either surrender or runaway at the mere sight of the Royal Navy. Suffice to say that plan didn't work. That's just what these clowns have come up with. Somehow undo what Obama has done & everything will fine.

Speaking of other GOP candidates, what is the deal with this country's weird fascination with Sarah Palin? The Tea Party has been falling all over her since she sabotaged McCain's bid for President. She quit her job as Governor of Alaska halfway thru, she's into family values but tried to keep the father of her grandson out of the baby's life. What's she ever accomplished? Seriously? To my knowledge she's yet to declare her candidacy but she gets public money for it (like her little summer bus tour where she "happened" to show up in New Hampshire when Romney was there to announce his candidacy thereby stealing his thunder). During this tour she got the gist of Paul Revere's ride all wrong, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w, when she visited the Old North Church during her bus tour. Most grade schoolers can give a better answer (she gives a rebuttal on Fox News, http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=CLQTcZwbykw, where she denies getting wrong & tries to rewrite history). Inconceivable!

The pool of talent is so shallow for the GOP that they're begging NJ Governor Chris Christie to announce his a run. Christie seems like an everyman but he's got some views (gun laws) that don't jibe with the hard core conservatives either.  We'll see what happens.

Thanks for your time & thanks again to all the the men & women in the US Armed Forces.

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