01 July, 2015

2015 Films: #4. Jurassic World

June 18th in Johnson City, TN. After seeing the trailer, I didn't feel well about this film. It looked a lot like the original film with bits of the sequels thrown in. So nothing very original. Plus, I have a hard time taking Chris Pratt seriously. He was great in Guardians of the Galaxy but as a serious action star? I'm not seeing it. Despite my doubts, fate threw me a softball by placing a cineplex near my hotel in Johnson City.

I'll be brief on this, the film stunk, It was very much indeed a shot by shot remake of the original. Complete with young kids (2 boys in this film whereas the original had a brother/sister combo) sent to the park by their soon to be divorced parents (though in this film we meet the parents). So the story was just rehashed. The SFX were about as good as the original which means there was nothing new (at least it didn't get worse like WETA between Return of the King and The Hobbit). The film basically goes on as if the the two sequels never existed. Anyway, Jurassic World is built over the remains of the original park. With the advances in technology InGen was able to clone more dinosaurs and make a prehistoric version of a Sea World type theme park (complete with a water attraction!)...

Well it doesn't take long for things to go bad. The new attraction that is to be unveiled, the aptly named, Indominus Rex outsmarts his countermeasures, gets loose and wreaks havoc. The park sends a group to recapture Indominus but he dispatched them much like the predator did in Predator 2. Part of the havoc occurs when Indominus breaks into the aviary and sets the pteranodons free which gave us scenes like this...

Just about all of the dinosaur scenes were predictable. I actually groaned during a few scenes. The film is killing at the box office but that doesn't make it good. I get that this movie wasn't made for my demographic but they could've tried to make something original. IMHO, this film was a straight up money grab. It's all stuff we've scene before. The film has some unanswered questions that raised my eyebrows and firmly entrenches that this was a money grab. There's even a scene where it's mentioned that the public just wants "more teeth" in it's attractions and the the lure of living dinosaurs has worn off. I couldn't wait to get out of the theater when this film ended. Kids will like this film because it's got some cool stuff in it but as a 45 year old man, I've seen it all before.

The very concept that the park actually opened over 20 years after the original disasters is unrealistic. The lawsuits would've made get insurance premiums for the park nearly impossible. In the original, they had a fail safe plan, Lysine contingency. But no such plan in place here. "Oh sh*t! The dinosaurs are loose in the park and there's no way to stop them!" The human villains in the film just turns out to be the standard evil corporate conglomerate. BORING! We can probably expect another film since the corporate villains absconded with the juiced up embryos. Couldn't see that coming. I'll take a pass on any further installments.

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