01 July, 2015

2015 Films: #5. Ted 2

Friday June 26th in Chicago, IL.

Seeing this film kind of fell in my lap. I had no intention of seeing it but a few guys from work were going to see it and I tagged along. No regrets as I knew what I was getting into. The sequel is pretty my much the same film as the original. It's not bad but it's not as good as the original and the original wasn't that good to begin with. There are some laugh out loud moments that are mostly dick/fart jokes with a few weed jokes tossed in. It was a collection of "funny" scenes that MacFarland strung together into a feature film. There's a semblance of plot structure but it's only there to advance the jokes, which are not new (though still funny).

Amanda Seyfried is the new female interest as Samantha, the lawyer helping to overturn the ruling that Ted is property. Luckily for Ted and John she likes her some weed as well. Jessica Barth returns as Ted's wife, Tami Lynn. Since Ted is a stuffed animal he is unable to father children and after a botched attempt to steal Tom Brady's sperm, Ted asks John for help. So Ted and John go to the sperm bank and quite predictable hijinx ensues...

The entire "let's have a kid" plot line revolves around this joke.

Of course, the video makes a reference that MacFarland steals from his own creations. Big surprise. Ted runs nearly two hours and it shows. There's a plot line that has the gang travel to NYC from Boston to meet with a prominent civil rights attorney who might take on Ted's appeal. That's about 15 minutes of the film that is not at all necessary and the jokes that it sets up weren't good enough to warrant the extra running time. The entire film is like this. MacFalrand also presses about getting Sam and John to hook up, which of course they do. I found that a bit creepy since John is pushing 40 in the movie (Wahlberg was born in 1971) and making advances on his 26 year old attorney. None if it seemed right.

MacFarland isn't breaking any new ground and it might be worth seeing a matinee but don't pay the extra money for a premiere viewing. 

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