10 February, 2019

2018 Films: #22. The Warning

Netflix viewing on November 17th. I watched this on a flight as it seemed like an interesting premise. Set in Spain and covering simultaneous interconnecting plot lines in 2008 and 2018. In 2018, 10 year old Nico (Hugo Arbues) is bullied by some schoolmates into stealing a porno mag from a convenience store that just so happens to be on the site of some murders that have taken place over the last several decades. The cashier catches him, agrees not to tell Nico's mom and stealthily leaves a note in Nico's bag to not come to the store on this birthday, April 12th.

In 2008, we have Jon (Raúl Arévalo), a former math prodigy who has fallen on hard times. He had a mental breakdown that drove the woman he loves into the arms of best friend and now they're engaged. Jon copes with things the best he can and remains close with them. On a rainy night he stops at the convenience store so his friend can get some bubbly in order to propose. David gets caught up in a robbery and is shot.

While David is in a come, Jon starts his descent into madness as he stops taking his meds and manages to uncover a series of murders that occurred on the convenience store property that have a mathematical connection.

The film received a a 56% Rotten Tomatoes rating and that seems about right. Jon's descent into madness is well done but there's a bit of supernatural-ness at the end which turned me off. Nico's mother, Lucia (Aura Garrido), is great as the concerned mother who starts to lose it as Nico's birthday gets closer. Strong performances but the tension just didn't seem to be there at the end. Once Jon figured out the murder algorithm, the film's prominent and best plot line, I kind of knew how the film was going to end.

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