10 February, 2019

2018 Films: #23. Outlaw King

Netlfix viewing on November 17th. A historical action piece about legendary Scottish king, Robert the Bruce. The film is directed by David Mackenzie and stars the very American Chris Pine as the legendary Scottish king.

When we last saw Robert the Bruce onscreen he was leading a charge of William Wallace loyalists and fellow Scots against the English at Bannockburn in 1314.

The film takes place in between Mel Gibson being drawn & quartered at the end of Braveheart and the film's final scene. Suffice to say there was a lot going during that time.

I'll say this, MacKenzie really pulled out the stops to make me feel like I was back in 14th century Scotland. Never ending overcast sky, crappy weather, sweeping hills and mud. Lots of mud. The authenticity is there as everything is dirty. The battles are bloody and gritty. It was a tough time in the 14th century. Life sure was not easy.

MacKenzie packs a lot into the 121 minute run time. The narrative may get a bit muddled here and there but it's not boring. The film received mixed reviews and received a 63% Rotten Tomatoes rating. Pine is tough to believe as Bruce but he does his best. If you're into history, then this is a good film to watch. Now be advised, the film gets some thing right but it does play fast and loose with the facts. But most films do that anyway, whether it's for dramatical or technical purposes. It's ok to use Hollywood films a historical reference but they never are out to "get it right" 100%.

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