16 March, 2011

Today in History (this is not made up)...

On March 16,1995 the State of Mississippi House of Representatives formally abolishes slavery & ratifies the 13th Amendment.

Hooray Mississippi! To think it only took 130 years after the Civil War. I can understand there being resentment leading to a delay, not to mention the rebuilding process but 130 years? Were the state reps hoping the Amendment would be repealed after Lincoln's assassination? Were they thinking that the Confederacy could take the Union in a rematch? In the 21st century it seems inconceivable to me but this happened.

To be fair, it took Delaware until 1901 to ratify the 13th Amendment . Delaware was a slave state that voted not to secede in January of 1861. According to Wikipedia, Delaware citizens fought on the side of the Union but there were some citizens who fought on the side of the Confederacy. Way to hedge your bets Delaware! Be advised, Delaware voted against the Reconstruction as well. Kentucky finally ratified on March 18, 1976. I can only guess that the state reps felt that 111 years of useless defiance was enough & the rematch wasn't going to happen.

Now to this day there are those people who still cling to the myth that the Civil War was about State's rights. It's time to put this myth to bed. The main issue of the Civil War was slavery. Yes there were other issues but slavery was the big bugaboo. If you still feel that slavery wasn't the main issue, check out James Loewen's book Lies My Teacher Told Me where he lists the arguments against the "states rights" myth.

As I stated earlier, this seems inconceivably ridiculous that this is possible living in the 21st century but sadly, it's true. A part of me almost wishes to be able to see the footage, if there is any, of that day in the Mississippi assembly. Was it a heated debate? Was the vote unanimous? If not then who voted against it? I mean it was 130 years after the fact! The people in the vote that day were at least 2 generations removed from the Civil War. Of course Mississippi is the state that had a plantation owner as it's mascot at the University of Mississippi until a few years ago. It seems that old customs die very hard in Mississippi.

Then again there are a lot of other silly things that have to do with the Civil War, the continued use of the Confederate flag is another issue for another day.

I just wanted to bring this to people's attention & as always thanks for your time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1995?! That's unbelievable. I am curious if it was unanimous.