11 March, 2011

the world where we live

I recently came across this, http://www.businessinsider.com/lawrence-odonnell-newt-gingrich-video-2011-3.

Now, I didn't know this happened but I find it very interesting. I'm gonna put this in religious terms since Mr. Gingrich went on Pat Robertson to address this. So while old Newt was casting the 1st & several stones, trying to impeach him mind you & spending millions of taxpayer money, at Bill Clinton for having sex with someone who wasn't his wife. Newt was NOT without sin as we were led to believe during his "crusade" against the President. It was his "passion for America" that led him to go after Clinton with such veracity while he himself was "diddling" a woman who was not his wife. A wife who had cancer mind you! What a guy!

Now Newt wants to run for President in 2012. Sorry but how can you trust a confessed hypocrite? Granted, if you're like me & you feel that most, if not all, politicians are hypocrites anyway. You may say "what's the big deal?" Well for starters would you want a man who has such little compassion for his cancer-stricken wife that he would go out chasing skirts while she's at home or the hospital puking her guts out? There's a guy I want to hang out with! Newt was telling how to live our lives & judging those who weren't living up to those standards all the while holding himself above the law! That's what I can't buy. I hope he loses in the primary BIG TIME! I want to see the alleged liberal media bring it up non-stop. In my humble, probably not really even wanted, opinion...he can't be trusted. Because he asked God for forgiveness it's ok? Once a hypocrite always a hypocrite. Tigers don't change their stripes or however that cliche goes.

That's why I can't buy Palin as a realistic candidate. You can't shout about "family values" when your own child is off having pre-marital sex that produces an out of wedlock child then do everything possible to keep the babies father out of the picture. It's similar to the 2002 film Traffic where Michael Douglas' character, the US Drug Czar, has a daughter who's an addict, unbeknownst to him, right under his nose. He wasn't paying attention to a problem in his own house. Much like Palin. Politicians shouldn't have it both ways.

Be advised...I'm neither republican nor democrat. I think both parties exist only to serve their own interests. I'm also not religious. I just don't like hypocritical politicians. I don't know who Lawrence O'Donnell is & I think he's just another talking head justifiably making fun of a public figure, who wants to be President, who so clearly deserves. If MSNBC has an agenda so be it. I don't subscribe to it. Whatever it may be.

Thanks for your time.

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